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Frequently asked questions

01 How can Hypercell   Catalyze my Discovery Campaign?


Hypercell   is a high-throughput single-cell sorter based on computer vision that is compatible with multiple cell types and assay types. Our technology is able to analyze and sort secreting cells quickly, at an affordable cost, while maintaining the need for high-throughput demands. By significantly reducing the required hands-on time, the Hypercell   platform creates more time for science, innovation, and discovery.

02 What Products are Available?

Hypercell   : Hypercell    is a high-throughput single-cell sorter based on computer vision that is compatible with multiple cell types and assay types. 

AbFinder   : AbFinder    is an advanced downstream solution for selecting promising antibody candidates generated by the Hypercell    single-cell sorting platform.



03 What are the key advantages of the Hypercell   ?


Key advantages of Bioelectronica’s Hypercell    platform are throughput, scalability, rapid detection and cell recoverability. Through a combination of multiple proprietary innovations, Hypercell    takes emulsion-based single-cell assays to the next level. Using the PODS technology, millions of cells can be encapsulated in minutes, versus hours required by serial droplet generators. Hypercell    is well suited for high throughput applications such as cell line development in immunology and vaccine development. The Hypercell    platform can be parallelized to scale up experiments and dramatically increase lab productivity, throughput and efficiencies.

04 What is the Working Principle?

Bioelectronica's Hypercell    combines a unique lensless imager, proprietary reagent kits, and cell encapsulating PODS technology (Polydisperse Oblate Dispersion System). Consumable chips flow PODS over the imager and electrodes to enable detection and sorting. No optical alignment is required, as the image does not use fluorescence.

Bioelectronica's proprietary reagent kit makes properties of cells, including their secretion rate, "visible" to the image and computer vision within the chip. Researchers can analyze and sort single cells based on secretions or similar interactions within individual encapsulated environments.

The analytical workflow employers computer vision strategies such as object detection and real-time analytics to enable population-level analysis of cells and antibody or biomarker secretion characteristics that have previously been unavailable.

05 How much hands-on time is needed?

One of the things that makes the Hypercell    platform truly unique and cost-effective is its ease of use. With minimal training, anyone can use Hypercell    by simply following three easy steps:

  1. Mix the cell culture with detection and encapsulation reagents

  2. Vortex the mixture to disperse single cells into PODS

  3. Load vial containing PODS into the device

Within one hour, you will be able to visualize single cell secretion against the customer specific target and see results in the data.

06 Are the assays customer specific?

Yes, using Bioelectronica's coupling and validation protocol, customers produce completely custom reagents. Bioelectronica can also develop custom assay reagents as a service.


Contact for more information and pricing.

07 Can the system be run at 37 degrees or in an incubator?

Although the current systems are not fully tested at 37 degrees or in incubators, the system has a very small footprint and may be placed in a standard size incubator.

08 Can the system be run under a sterile hood?

The Hypercell    has a small footprint that can fit inside of a standard sterile hood.

09 How long does it take to obtain the sorted cells?

  • Visualize single-cell secretion within 1 hour.

  • Separate pools of high-secreting cells from millions of sample cells within one working day.  

10 What can Hypercell    detect?


Bioelectronica developed Hypercell    to solve two very difficult problems for pharmaceutical and antibody researchers:

  • Establish relative secretion rates for single cells quickly and reliably.

  • Separate high secretors from low or no secretors at a cost that labs can afford.

11 What types of cells are compatible with the Hypercell   ?


Bioelectronica’s PODS can be used to encapsulate cells of many types and stages in cell line development. Cell types include a range of cell lines as well as primary cells in suspension to encapsulate into our proprietary PODS. Additionally, the Hypercell    is compatible with Mouse, Human, Transgenic animal, Camelid, and Rabbit cell types.

12 How does the imaging system enable the detection of single-cell sorting?

The Hypercell    platform is a lensless imaging system, which means that there are no more depth of focus issues. All cells are imaged within a single, very thin focal plane on a microchip. The imager does not require fluorescence or alignment and is fully automated.

13 Do I need to do any pipetting?

Minimally. You will only need to pipette sample and reagent once at the beginning. Bioelectronica’s PODS take care of the rest by encapsulating cells automatically as though they were being pipetted into their own wells.

14 How much of the analysis is manual vs automated?

Once the sample has been prepared, analysis is completely automatic.

15 Is the system automation friendly?

The sample preparation can be performed in standard automated sample preparation systems. We currently do not have an API ready to integrate with automation systems, but we are looking for a partner to develop the automation integrations requirements.

16 What are the facilities and space requirements?

Bioelectronica’s bench top Hypercell    platform has a small footprint and can fit inside flow hoods and biological safety cabinets. With access to an electrical outlet, Hypercell    is ready to sort and analyze. Hypercell    is a scalable and highly versatile solution with a low switching cost. And, as importantly, Hypercell    is easy to set up and install.

17 What is the price for each Hypercell    sorting experiment?


Bioelectronica’s Hypercell    platform is available at a fraction of the cost of less capable systems. Hypercell    is sold as a device with consumable reagents. Custom assay development, cell-sorting and analysis services are available for interested customers.

Contact for pricing based on your needs.

18 Does Bioelectronica offer on-site demos?

Contact to find out more and schedule a demo.

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